「日本のミスター・ビッグのファンの皆さんは、1988年にバンドを始めて以来、私たちにとって、常に道しるべのような存在でした。皆さんは何十年も私たちにとって家族のような存在であり、皆さんからの決して変わらぬ大きな愛情とサポートを感じてきました。皆さんは ”永遠に私たちの心の中” にいるのです!
From the band...
"The Japanese MR.BIG fans have always been a Guiding Light for us since we started the band in 1988. You have been like our family for decades and we have immense love, support and affection for you that has never faded away! You are Forever In Our Hearts! These last 2 very special shows will reflect our massive gift of love and respect for Japan and there is no place on earth that our touring career should come to an end than with our Japanese family".
その結果、日本のプロモーター、レコード会社、多くのファンの方々との議論を重ねた末、バンドは2025年2月に日本に戻り、「FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS」という名の公演でツアーを締めくくり、日本の地でツアーのキャリアに終止符を打つことを決定しました。チャリティーなどの詳細は近日中にお知らせします。
ミスター・ビッグ マネージャー
To our Japanese family...
In the beginning of our final MR. BIG tour, The Big Finish, the band intended that the last Japanese Tour would be the tour done in July, 2023, but after a year of touring the world, and after a flood of notes, emails and posts from our Japanese promoter, family and fans asking us to reconsider and come back to Japan and do the very final shows in Japan, we decided to reconsider and explore that possibility.
If the band decided to return, it was also very important for them to do something to "give back a bit" to our Japanese family (who have always been the most extraordinary MR.BIG fans on earth) and the band wanted to take the opportunity to line up charity programs, auctions and donations to raise some revenue and awareness to help support those people impacted by the earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula this year and have been recovering ever since.
Consequently, after much discussion with our Japanese promoter, record company and tons of fans, the band decided to return in February, 2025, to finish the tour with the band's "FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS" shows and end our touring forever in Japan. The details of charities & additional programs will be announced shortly.
You are FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS and look forward to seeing you one final time in Japan this February.
Tim Heyne
MR.BIG manager